My new 2003 Screamin Eagle Deuce

Click on the following picture to see it larger (still only 30% of the original)  This picture was generated from three pictures taken at three exposures, -2 stops, no stops and +2 stops.  (one under exposed, one normal and one over exposed)  With my new Nikon you can set this bracketing over three consecutive shots then set the camera to take multiple shots when you hold the button down.  Each picture has good attributes.  Like the over exposed shot gets the shadow areas good.  The under exposed shot gets the glare areas better.  Next I imported them into a trial version of Photomatix, hense the Photomatix logo on the picture.  This software combined the best of the three and and can be used to accentuate the colors.  These are called High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos.  You can see tons of amazing HDR pictures at Flickr.