Our travel plans in Italy
The flights have been booked. We leave Boston on Saturday June 14 and return on Saturday June 28. We have direct flights on Alitalia.
Leave: Alitalia flight number 615, leaves at 6:00pm, arrives in Rome at 8:00am Sunday morning, Return: Alitalia flight number 614, leaves 12:05pm and arrives in Boston at 3:20pm
Scroll down for a map of Rome. Select the links to see the hotels and the areas.
The plans
Saturday June 14 Red eye to Italy |
Sunday June 15 Arrive in Rome Visit Rome in the afternoon and evening Hotel Rome Hotel Genio (Rooms booked 2 nights) |
Monday June 16 Visit Rome Hotel Rome |
Tuesday June 17 Travel to Gaeta then Perugia, about 250 miles Drive along the coast going through Gaeta Hotel Perugia Hotel Fortuna (Rooms booked) |
Wednesday June 18 Drive to Venice, about 175 miles Hotel Venice Ca' San Marcuola (Rooms booked, 2 nights) |
Thursday June 19 Venice Ca' San Marcuola (Rooms booked, 2 nights) |
Venice |
Friday June 20 Travel to Trento, about 85 miles Hotel Trento Castel Pergine (Room booked) |
Saturday June 21 Travel to Innsbruck Austria, about 100 miles Hotel Innsbruck Hotel Weisses Kreuz (Rooms booked) |
Sunday June 22 Visit Innsbruck Hotel Innsbruck Hotel Weisses Kreuz (Rooms booked) |
Monday June 23 Travel to Switzerland, about 150 miles Hotel Weesen, Switzerland Flyhof hotel on Lake Walen (rooms booked) |
Tuesday June 24 Travel to Milan, about 120 miles Hotel Brianteo Milan |
Wednesday June 25 Travel to Milan, 170 miles Hotel Brianteo Milan |
Thursday June 26 Travel to Tuscany, about 170 miles visit Pisa Hotel Lucca Piccolo Hotel Puccini (Room booked) |
Friday June 27 Travel to Rome, about 170 miles Hotel Rome Hotel Genio (Rooms booked) |
Saturday June 28 Fly home |
Hotel Genio is shown just south of the river. To the left is the Vatican and at the bottom right is the Coliseum. Piazza Navona is right below and is a real nice shopping and eating area. This hotel is about as central as you can get.