This is a player piano Lynn and I just moved from her storage locker to the living room (the catch all location of the house).  Lynns father refinished the outside years ago, a little dusty in the pictures below.  So I just need to do the innards.

This is a video of the Wind Motor.  The hose on the right is connected to my mouth and I am sucking.  Isn't this sooo cool.  This is a five bellows motor that drives a crankshaft that drives the music roll.   Click on the picture below to see a movie of the Wind motor working.  What you are seeing are the valves.  On the other side, what you can't see, are bellows.  The values bring the vacuum to the bellows at the right time to close them and turn the crank.  More pictures below.

The piano before I got at it.

No that's more like it.  Now I can start really taking it apart.  All the black hoses go from the brass piece shown below over which the paper roll rides. They go through a piece of wood to the front to the gray tubes below, one for each key.  There are two rows of bellows.  Notice the piece of wood with the small strikers facing up isn't very straight.

Notice all the cracked and broken hoses?  They are very brittle and need to be replaced.  Each hose goes to a bellows, a couple pictures below.

This is the piano with the player mechanism removed.

This is a single key bellows.  The wooden piece at the upper right hit the key.  Vacuum pulls the air out of the bellows from the hole and closes the bellows.  Yes, the wooden piece is going the wrong direction.

The wooden hammer on the single striker above hits the under side of the green felt facing downward.

Here is the backside of the wind motor.  The air hose attaches to the elbow on the left.

Parts (yes, you pump this piano with your feet, you don't suck on it.  I did that just to show that the wind motor worked)


and more parts.