Click here to see pictures of Egrets.

Wood Storks

Great Blue Herons


Here are three pictures of an Orchard Oriole.

And here is a Baltimore Oriole.  What vivid color!!

Another pretty bird seen in the yard, a male Grosbeak.

Here are a bunch of Cedar Waxwings at the bird bath.

Here is a Painted Bunting.  Incredible colors.

Here is a Scarlet Tanager, a Painted Bunting and a male cardinal at the bird bath.

There are tons of Mocking Birds in the yard all the time. 

Pretty much every night I walk on the front porch with a flashlight and there are from 5 to ten deer walking around the yard.  But I rarely see them during the day to take a picture of them.  But here is a mom and her baby out by the dock.

Three days ago there was poop on the deck and something got into the bird feeder.  I didn't clean it up and the next day there was another pile.  So my curiosity was peaked so I didn't clean it up.  The next day there were two more piles of poop next to the other ones.  Well tonight I went out on the deck to bring in the bird feeder, yes I did clean up the mess today, and there he was, on the railing reaching for the bird feeder.  After scolding him for being up there, I went into the house and got my camera.  Click on the picture of him to see the full size picture.

Here is a male Cardinal in a Palm tree. I've had nearly a dozen of them at the feeder and bird bath at one time.  I've never seen so many.

Here is a white squirrel I see almost every day.

Here he is running along the wall in the back yard.

I heard this squirrel squawking when I was walking in the back yard.  I finally found him up in a tree sticking his head out of his home.

Here is a little Gecko I was talking with that was walking around the deck.

I went inside to check my email and looked to my left and there he was looking straight at me through the window.  How cute.

Here he is on the back deck trying to eat a bug that's a little too big for him.

I put up a Hummingbird feeder and literally within two minutes there was a bird at it.  Since then they come to it all day long.

1/2000 shutter speed almost stopped his wings.

Here you can see his tongue sticking out.

This swarm of birds has been hanging around the yard for weeks.  They'd just move from one place to another.

Can you get more birds in the bird bath?

Hey stop staring, I'm bathing!


I think these are Mocking Birds. They don't like the intruder coming in for a landing.  I hear them in the front yard just talking non-stop all day long.

And here is a Tufted Titmouse.

Here is a male and a female Cowbird.  Like Cardinals, you always see both together.


I have lots of Black Capped Chcadees.

I believe this is a Common YellowThroat.