11/16/2013 Well I always say where there is a will (or a need), there is a way. I had to get the plywood up there. I screwed a 2x4 at the bottom and another sticking out at an angle a little higher than 8 feet up on the wall. I then walked the 4x8 sheet of plywood up the ladder. The top 2x4 held the top from falling then I sat the bottom on the bottom 2x4. Then nailed it in place.
Here is one sheet in.
Here is the done wall.
11/19/2013 I pulled all the cedar siding off the walls. The fireplace flue needs to be removed. The plywood and insulation on the wall behind the chair will be removed after the slider gets in. The wall on the left is the one that will be removed. I guess the wiring is next. This is going to be a mess. There are six switches in the wall that is coming down. I'm going to have to rip down the ceiling in the existing bedroom. Probably all the sheetrock on the walls of the existing bedroom will have to come down to get at the wiring too. What a mess it is going to be for a while. It's good I'm visiting Lynn for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The French slider is due to arrive December 14th. That's when I can take down the wall.
Here are the wiring plans, so far.