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1/6/2014  I started putting up the beam by using the come-along and some 2x4's to get the left side up on a saw horse.

I wanted a some redundancy so I went out and bought a second come-along. 

Slowly I cranked both up until the left side of the beam was sitting on the steel post.

I then did the same on the right side.


The last couple of feet I used the car jack and posts to lift it up.  Couldn't use the come-alongs any more.  The last two inches were the hardest because this is where I took the sag out of the wall.  My two-ton car jack wouldn't lift it any more.  I had to put my 8 ton bottle jack on top of a 4x4.  During the last inch there was a lot of creaking.  I think all 8-tons of capacity was used to lift the beam the last half inch.  I'm pretty sure there is no load left on the wall so I can take it down after I wire and insulate the room.


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